Monday, January 2, 2017

My Famous Pumpkin Roll

Welcome back to Ica’s Delights everyone! I know that the holiday season is over which makes me sad, so this is why I have decided to share a recipe that reminds me of the fall. Fall is my favorite season, there is something so special about the leaves changing colors and the amazing fashion that comes with the season. 

Every year for Thanksgiving I am usually in charge of dessert for my family, I have been making the same dessert for a very long time. There have been lots of errors made while I learned how to make this dish perfectly. Today I will be sharing my recipe for my famous pumpkin roll, this recipe is very easy to follow and will come out perfectly every time.

Pumpkin Roll Cake Ingredients:
  • 3/4 cups of All Purpose Flour
  • 1/2 tsp of Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp of Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp of Ground Cloves
  • 1/4 tsp of Salt 
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 cup of Sugar
  • 2/3 cup of Pumpkin Puree ( I made mine from scratch)
  • 1/4 cup of Powdered Sugar

How to make the Pumpkin Roll:

In a small bowl you’re going to combine your flour, baking powder and baking soda, your ground cinnamon and cloves, and finally we are going to add our salt. Give this a good mix and you could even sift it if you felt the need to. 

Next in a bigger bowl we are going to add our eggs and sugar and we are beat these together for about 3 minutes until it turns nice and thick. Next we are going to add in our pumpkin and beat it until everything is all combined.

Now using a wooden spoon ( I found this to be a little bit easier to mix with) we are going to slowly add little bits of our dry mixture. We are going to keep mixing by hand until it is all combined and there is no more of our dry mixture left. 

This next step is very important! Line your baking sheet with WAX PAPER! This is very important for when it is time to roll your pumpkin roll. Once your baking sheet is lined you’re going to evenly pour your mixture into the pan. Give your pan a few good taps on the counter to get all of the air bubbles out of the batter. Then we are going to place it in a 375 degree oven for about 14-16 minutes. The cake will feel like a sponge when it is done.

While the cake is in the oven it is time to prepare our towel for the roll. Make sure to pick a kitchen towel that doesn’t mean the world to you because this part does get messy. Once we have our towel laid out we are going to sprinkle our powered sugar all over the towel. You really want to make sure that everything is covered because you don’t want your pumpkin roll to get stuck when you unroll it.

Once your cake is done you’re going to immediately turn it over onto our towel. Then slowly peel the wax paper from the pumpkin roll. Once you have removed the wax paper you’re going to roll the cake in the towel and place on a cooling wrack. While our pumpkin roll cools it is time to start making our filling.

Cream Cheese Filling Ingredients:
  • 1 pkg (8 ounces) of Cream Cheese
  • 1 cup of Powered Sugar
  • 6 tbsp of Shortening or Margarine Softened 
  • 1 1/2 tsp of Vanilla Extract

How to make the Cream Cheese Filling:

First we are going to want to make sure that our cream cheese and butter are both at room temperature. I usually always forget to thaw these out, so I have become pretty good at getting things to room temp in the microwave, just make sure you don’t melt it. 

In a large bowl you’re going to add your cream cheese and butter and mix these for about 4 minutes until they are nice and combine and soft. Once that is done we are going to add our vanilla and powered sugar then mix it for another 5 minutes until everything is combined. Make sure you don’t turn your mixer on high or you will get powered sugar everywhere. 

Once your pumpkin roll is cooled you can unroll it and spread our filling all inside of it. Make sure you use all of the filling even though it is very tempting to eat some of it. You want a nice and full pumpkin roll. After the filling is all spread you’re slowly going to reroll your cake while removing it from the towel, make sure to take your time because it can spilt very easily. Sprinkle it with some powered sugar at the end and then it is ready to serve.

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe as much as my family does every year. Who knows maybe having a pumpkin roll at your families holiday events will become a new thing. 

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